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English Courses - V.I.P. Project EU
English Courses
English Courses
22. Expressing Preferences Through Legends
Έναρξη μαθημάτων αγγλικής γλώσσας VIP Project
VIP Course Content
Study skills tips
21. Mythical Routines – Daily Life in Legends+Present Continuous+● Using "like/love/hate + -ing"
23. Where is the Music? prepositions of place +traditional musical instruments
22. Expressing Preferences Through Legends
22. Expressing Preferences Through Legends
Lesson Plan 22
Greek Mythology VIP Project 22
Reading-My town
What is your island like? What do you like doing?What activities can people/tourists do in your island?
Students discuss their island and express preferences about things they can do in their island
21. Mythical Routines – Daily Life in Legends+Present Continuous+● Using "like/love/hate + -ing"
23. Where is the Music? prepositions of place +traditional musical instruments
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Main course page
1. Introduction to VIP, English classes and Getting to Know each other
2. The Verb "To Be" (Affirmative and Negative) + Local Food and Traditions
3. To Be (Interrogative and Answers) + Preservation Causes
4. Numbers and Phone Numbers + Preservation Causes
5. Telling Time + Historic Places
6. Prepositions of Time and Historic Places
7. Telling Dates and Local Art, Music, and Festivals
8. Seasons and Local Art, Music, and Festivals
9. The Verb “To Have Got” (Affirmative and Negative) + Traditional Crafts
10. The Verb “To Have Got” (Interrogative and Answers) + Traditional Crafts
11. Possessive Adjectives and Natural Heritage
12. Demonstrative Pronouns + Natural Heritage
13. There is/There are (affirmative) + Natural Heritage
14. There is/There are (negative) + Natural Heritage
15. Comparatives and Superlatives + Changes in the Cultural Landscape (How cities/villages have evolved over the centuries)
16. Present Simple (affirmative and negative) + Changes in the Cultural Landscape
17. Present Simple (interrogative and answers) + Ancient Literature and Poetry
18. Present Simple (Adverbs of frequency + Ancient Literature and Poetry
19. Present Continuous (affirmative and negative) + Agricultural Traditions
20. Present Continuous (interrogative and answers) + Agricultural Traditions
21. Mythical Routines – Daily Life in Legends+Present Continuous+● Using "like/love/hate + -ing"
23. Where is the Music? prepositions of place +traditional musical instruments
24. Can You Play? modal verbs+traditional musical instruments
25. Learning from the Past+imperatives +Learning about historical figures
26. Who Was Important?past simple of to be (was/were) +historical figures
27. Stories of the Past+past simple in affirmative and negative sentences +Exploring local legends and historical stories
28. Asking About the Past in Legendary Stories+● Forming and answering questions in past simple
29. Unearthing Local History+past continuous in affirmative and negative sentences+Exploring archaeological heritage
30. Investigating the Past+● Forming and answering past continuous questions +archaeological discoveries
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